So Glad You Are Here
Throughout the site, you will find descriptions of ministries, daily devotionals, and online messages from our Pastor. If there is information that you are not finding on the site, please give our church office a call at 316-755-2343 or contact one of our staff/volunteers from our contact page.
What To Expect

As soon as you come through the doors you meet a friendly greeter ready to assist you. Have a question? The greeters are there to help.

Our nursery is available for babies and toddlers during our morning worship service. Just ask one of the greeters to show you to the nursery where our volunteers will be happy to allow you to worship while they teach your children about Jesus.

Children’s Church
Each Sunday morning during “big Church” students (Kindergarten through the completion of first grade) worship God in our Chapel at a service designed for them. This allows parents to worship without interruption while their kids are learning about Jesus in a kid friendly atmosphere.

Worship Service
Come on in and have a seat. Don’t worry we don’t ask our guests to stand up or do anything to cause attention! Just focus your mind and heart on the Lord and what He has in store for you during the service.
Our History
Calvary Baptist Church began as a mission of Allerton Baptist Church of Wichita in 1956. They met in the Valley Center Library. In November 1959 Allerton Baptist Mission was organized into a New Testament Baptist Church with 36 charter members and Calvary Baptist Church was born. Rev. Pete Rose was the first Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. In 1960 property was purchased for a permanent building in the 300 block of North West St. The following year the first unit of a planned five unit permanent building was completed. In 1964 Rev. Neal Alford assumed the Pastorate. In 1966 the brick house at the corner of Second and West street was purchased for a parsonage. In 1968 a former one room school house was purchased and moved onto the property to provide much needed Sunday School space.
In 1972 a bus ministry and Children’s church began with Randy Drake as bus captain and Children’s Church Minister the next year Kent Williams became bus captain when Randy moved. In 1974 Rev. Harold Henderson was called as Pastor of CBC. On August 19, 1979 ground breaking for the current 440 seat sanctuary was held. The new sanctuary was dedicated on June 29, 1980. In January 1985 Rev. Don Lacy assumed the Pastorate and his wife Kay took over leading the Bus Ministry. Rev. Lacy was the Pastor until his retirement in 2000. On April 16, 1989 another groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Family Life Center and educational wing. The new facility was completed in 1990 just in time for 14 weddings to be held in 1991. In 2001, Rev. Michael Scott was called to become the Senior Pastor of CBC. In 2002 Calvary held it’s first production of Judgement House. Since that time there have been a total of six Judgement Houses held at CBC with more planned. Each of them drawing a minimum of 100 new brothers and sisters in Christ to the Kingdom of God. In November 2009 CBC celebrated 50 years of ministry in the Valley Center Area.
Our youth ministry began to be a vital part of our church when Rev. Harold Henderson became our Pastor in 1974. Our first your directors were Gary and Shirley Rundell. They served in that capacity until Carlton Cook was called to be part time Music and Youth Pastor. Eventually we grew enough to have a full time Youth Pastor. Joe Stiles was the first full time Youth Pastor. He was followed in chronological order by Doug Harris, Jay Lewis, Doug Irvin, Bill Tucker, Matt Maestes, and Jason Ramsey. Our current youth pastor is Rev. Robert Chapman. Over the years many trips to youth camps and mission trips have been taken by these Godly men. There have been trips as far away as Pensacola, Florida and nearby as to the former Heart of Kansas Southern Baptist Association Shiloh Campground. Bill Tucker was most notably known for his mission trips. They did backyard Bible studies and had performances at various vacation locations. Many of these performances and Bible studies were used to lead hundreds of Adults and children to the Lord.
Our desire is to exalt Christ, equip the saints, and evangelize the lost. We would like to minister to you and your entire family. We hope to have the opportunity to meet you in person at an upcoming worship service or church event.