Our Vision
Over the next ten years, Calvary Baptist Church will intentionally
pursue dynamic spiritual growth and maturity to see those indifferent to the Gospel of Jesus Christ radically connected to Him.
Rooted in the truth, spreading the relevance of the gospel, guiding all to Jesus Christ and Calvary.

Measurable Goal
Calvary Baptist Church will seek to reach 1400 households with the honest truth of the gospel by the year 2030. This will be done in-part by members providing honest answers when asked for the reason of the hope that they have displayed, and through outreach efforts that will seek to show the dynamic relevance of the gospel in everyday life. To reach 1400 households by the year 2030, groups of three families will be intentional about reaching out and ministering to at least 1 family every year. We envision each family radically displaying the love of Christ by seeking to meet the needs of families that are religiously indifferent every year. In this way, Christ will be honored, and His name lifted up, precious souls will come to know Him and be changed for eternity, and the gospel will be shown to more than an antiquated set of irrelevant beliefs held by the weak minded.
Our Values

Biblical Maturity
We value biblical maturity. This is demonstrated by our commitment to discipleship, our statement of faith, and desire to be continually learning and communing with God. We expose people of all ages to the truth of God’s word seeking to know Him above all else. We adhere to a biblical worldview and value seeing the world as God sees it. We display Godly character and spiritual fruit in all we do.

Gospel Passion
We value fervent gospel passion. This is demonstrated by our continual outreach and ministry to the community in the name of Jesus Christ. We seek to find and create opportunities to share the gospel with all. We desire to share this passion by participation in missions and being prepared to give an answer to all for the hope and joy we display.

Authentic Community
We value authentic community which occurs naturally as we live and minister. This is demonstrated by our relationships built around acceptance, love, and care for all people. We live in harmony and not in competition with one another. We use our gifts and talents to minister to one another. People are naturally attracted to those overflowing with gospel love and fellowship.

Robust Faith
We value a robust faith that trusts God for all things. This is demonstrated by our commitment to hearing and speaking the word of God in truth. We have unwavering faith in God to direct, guide, and protect His people. We are resolute in our commitment to prayer and recognize God will supply all our need. We cling to His promises and have confidence that He will do as He says. We remain steadfast in our belief and will not compromise biblical teaching.