Women's Ministry
It is our intent that all we do in service of our Lord Jesus Christ, be for his honor and glory. Glory has created each of us with varied gifts and needs, we are endeavoring to develop ministries which will utilize those gifts and meet the needs of women in our church and community.

Our Current Ministries include:
• Bible Studies: Throughout the year with daytime and evening programs.
• Discipleship: Opportunities to disciple and to be discipled are offered.
• Love In Action: Offers an opportunity to serve in areas such as baby and
wedding showers, receptions, and banquets.
• Prayer Quilts: Lap quilts are created for people in need of prayer. Each quilt is
brought before the church to have the strings tied with a prayer before delivery to
the recipient.
Women On Mission (WMU)
A missions organization for women who are aged 18 and up. Our goals are: (1) to pray for and give to missions, (2) to do missions, (3) to learn about missions, (4) to develop spiritually towards a missions lifestyle, and (5) to participate in the work of the church and the Southern Baptist Convention. We meet the second Tuesday at 10 am at the church.

Our Current Ministries include:
Singing at Presbyterian Manor, Provide clothes and food to Westside Good Neighbor Center, Provide baked goods for a Youth Horizons, Sewing a missions quilt to be raffled off later, and Promotion and collection of “Operation Christmas Child” boxes for Samaritan’s Purse. We also do other short term projects as needed. All women are welcome.
Ladies' Night Out

Generally the first Monday night of each month our ladies host this fun night of fellowship. Our ladies gather for food, fun, fellowship and share an engaging devotional.